Nikki Budzinski Releases General Election Policy Agenda

“Working families in Central and Southern Illinois need a representative who will fight inflation, tackle rising costs, and stand up for them.”

Springfield, IL – Today, Nikki Budzinski, the Democratic nominee for Illinois’ 13th Congressional district, announced her general election legislative priorities. Budzinski’s plan, focused on tackling gas and energy prices and providing middle-class tax relief and fighting inflation, are laser-focused on bringing down costs and providing immediate relief to working families.

Budzinski’s plan for tackling gas and energy prices:

Take action to freeze the gas tax for immediate relief
-Implement year-round E-15 blend to provide immediate relief at the pump and support Illinois farmers
As we are dealing with rising costs, boosting domestic oil and gas production and drilling on federal lands to provide short term economic relief
Support energy policies that bridge us to a clean energy economy, including supporting natural gas and nuclear energy
Continue to release oil from U.S. strategic reserves
Enact a windfall profit tax on oil and gas companies to make sure oil companies aren’t profiting at our expense
Expand electric vehicles and building a national charging network that is supported with union labor

Budzinski’s Plan for middle-class tax relief and fighting inflation:

-Repeal the Trump tax cuts that benefit the super-rich over working people
Extend the child tax cut for working families
Allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices to lower prescription drug costs
Cap the cost of life-saving drugs like insulin at $35
Invest in union apprenticeship programs to promote alternatives to a 4-year college degree and a path to a debt-free, high-paying trades career
Support the Competes Act to bring manufacturing back to America and decrease inflation by relieving stress on global supply lines

Budzinski made the following statement: “Working families in Central and Southern Illinois are struggling, and they need immediate relief now. Fighting inflation and bringing down costs are the most important issues of this campaign, and this policy plan reflects that. The next representative needs to understand what people are facing and get to work on day one  


Nikki Budzinski is a labor activist, former Chief of Staff at the Office of Management and Budget in the Biden Administration and Senior Advisor to Governor JB Pritzker. Born in Peoria, Illinois, she’s the granddaughter of a union painter and public-school teachers.  Nikki has over ten years’ experience in the labor movement, working for the United Food and Commercial Workers Union and International Association of Fire Fighters.