Nikki Budzinski Statement on Roe v. Wade Decision

“For 49 years a woman’s right to determine their own reproductive health care decisions has existed. Now it is up to our generation to continue the fight.”

Springfield, IL – This morning, the Supreme Court announced its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, reversing 49 years of precedent affirming a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion in the United States.

Nikki Budzinski made the following statement: “The Supreme Court’s decision shreds decades of progress and reproductive freedom for women across the country.”

“My heart goes out to all the women that have fought to keep reproductive healthcare a decision between a woman and her doctor and to women who may be fearful that they don’t have access to a safe, legal abortion.”

“Roe v. Wade has guaranteed this healthcare choice for women for 49 years. In Congress I will fight for women’s healthcare rights. I will fight for you.”


Nikki Budzinski is a labor activist, former Chief of Staff at the Office of Management and Budget in the Biden Administration and Senior Advisor to Governor JB Pritzker. Born in Peoria, Illinois, she’s the granddaughter of a union painter and public-school teachers.  Nikki has over ten years’ experience in the labor movement, working for the United Food and Commercial Workers Union and International Association of Fire Fighters.